"Finding My Way" – JenedyPaige
"Finding My Way"

"Finding My Way"

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“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; then then shall I know even as also I am known.” -1 Cor 13:12

Some people assume that as an artist, I see the image in my mind that I want to paint before I paint it. This is not the case, most of the time I have a message that I want to convey, but the particulars of how to convey that message are a mystery. Most of the time I’m walking through a fog, just feeling my way to it. This is how much of my life is too. I have goals that I want to accomplish, but the small steps of how to actually accomplish them are only revealed one at a time. I guess this is what it means to live a faith “full” life. We move forward, even when we can’t see the entire picture.