One day I was coloring with daughter and we had just opened up a brand new box of crayons. She accidentally pushed too hard and we both heard the “snap” as the crayon broke in two. “Oh mom!” she cried, “Can we tape it?” Anyone who has tried this before knows that you can’t tape a crayon back together. It doesn’t work. The only way to really fix it is to melt it all the way down and remold it, but sometimes it would be nice if it was easy as a little tape.
This small experience made me think of people I knew who were broken and in my naïve nature I’ve wished at times I had the power to tape them back together. However, like crayons, when it comes to people, oftentimes to be truly healed it takes the hand of a Master to melt us down and reshape us new again. Sometimes as mortals we reach for bandaids when really only the Son of God can truly heal us. All we can do is love the broken parts of others and direct them to the one that can really “fix” us all.
Reproductions Sizes Available:
- 5"x7" - printed on solar linen paper
- Printed description card included